Through relational filmmaking and artistic research in the Andean-Amazon region, this project establishes an inter-epistemic dialogue with Indigenous spatial philosophies to explore the territory as a system of volumes that extend across a vertical axis of occupation and resistance, above and below ground. This process allows us to see, investigate and document through cinematic cartographies various altitudinal relationships that produce vertical territories.

In this axis of life that connects the underground with the forest and the airspace, diverse eco-social relationships arise beyond the frontiers visibility. These demand other forms of mediation in order to amplify voices, processes and Indigenous ways of seeing. As a result, in 2019 the first Indigenous Pan-Amazonian Media Collective was born, with the goal of supporting biocultural peace-building in the Southwest of Colombia.

In the world of prisons, as in the world of dogs, the vertical axis is not one of the dimensions of space, it is the dimension of power.


-Michael Foucault